Advancement Strategy, Personal Development, Running your business

Things That A Coach Cannot Help You With

Things That A Coach Cannot Help You With

As a coach, there are many aspects of personal growth and development that I can assist you with. However, there are other areas that require introspection and individual effort.

In this blog, we’ll explore the things that a coach cannot help you with, focusing on the importance of identifying and eliminating limiting beliefs and unbelief to achieve spiritual and physical growth.

To Begin With Things That A Coach Cannot Help You With

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As I was reviewing some touch points in my journal, I stumbled over an “unbeliefs elimination” activity that I had done way back when. I reviewed it and started comparing the unbeliefs I had back then vs. the ones I have now. I’m realizing that spiritual “weed management” is an ongoing process. We must continue to identify and eliminate mindsets, beliefs, and people that keep us from having God’s best!

If You Are Wondering: “How Does This Have Anything To Do With Business?”

Things That A Coach Cannot Help You With

Well, for starters some of you are being held back in business because of your unbeliefs. Also, spiritual stagnation translates into physical stagnation. What’s happening on the inside eventually reflects what we see on the outside. That is why I teach the boss ladies in The Profitability Mentorship Program™ to focus on their spiritual life before any and everything and I’m encouraging you to do the same!

A little leaven leavens the whole lump

I invite you to join me in eradicating the unfruitful and sowing true fruits of the spirit of CHRIST by doing this simple yet effective reflection activity!

I had one core belief that was holding me back from pursuing and receiving over 5 righteous desires. The key word is “righteous”. I talk about it often. Before you can believe for a desire to come to pass you must first submit the desire and make sure that it’s biblically in line with God‘s will.

In other words, we can’t pray for things that God never wanted for ANY of his children and try to force him to answer our prayer because we’re “special” NONSENSE! God is no respecter of persons (Colossians 3:25) so make sure you’re in his will! After that, you’re ready to identify and eradicate the unbeliefs that withhold God’s best for you.

Go Read Mark 9!


There was a story in the Bible of a father believing and asking for healing for his son. Jesus said to him, “[You say to Me,] ‘If You can?’ All things are possible for the one who believes and trusts [in Me]!” Immediately the father of the boy cried out [with a desperate, piercing cry], saying, “I do believe; help [me overcome] my unbelief.” ‭‭Mark‬ ‭9‬:‭23‬-‭24‬ ‭AMP‬‬

Catch it. He did believe but he identified some unbelief in there too! He not only admitted to Jesus that he had unbelief but he also asked for help overcoming it! And we should do the same.

Here’s How To Identify Your Unbeliefs

Things That A Coach Cannot Help You With

To start the process of eliminating unbelief, try this simple reflection activity:

  • Get a sheet of paper.
  • Draw a line in the middle
  • At the top of the right side label it “Beliefs/Desires”
  • On the opposite side label it “Unbeliefs”
  • Be honest with yourself and God about what you desire and believe and on the opposite side admit the unbeliefs that get in the way of you truly believing that the belief or desire will come to pass.

We all have doubts and many of them do not originate from our own minds, but when we do not identify and eliminate these limiting beliefs, we live a life that is unfulfilling and unfruitful spiritually and physically.

In the journey of spiritual and personal development, let us strive to eradicate the unfruitful and embrace the true fruits of the spirit of CHRIST. If this message has blessed you or you have further comments or questions, get in touch. I’d love to chat with you.

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