Advancement Strategy, Mindset

Is Fear of Success Holding You Back? 5 Tips to Break Through Anxiety

Success can be scary! Learn how to identify and overcome the fear of success that might be stopping you from achieving your goals. Manage anxiety, stay focused, and embrace your breakthroughs

In this post, I’m going to dive deep into an honest conversation about a topic many of us can relate to: the fear of success and how it intertwines with anxiety. Life’s journey isn’t always smooth sailing, and sometimes the waves of anxiety can make us hesitant to embrace the impending breakthroughs we so deserve. So, let’s unravel this together and learn how to stand tall in the face of success-induced anxiety.

I’ve Been Hesitant to Share

Success can be scary! Learn how to identify and overcome the fear of success that might be stopping you from achieving your goals. Manage anxiety, stay focused, and embrace your breakthroughs

I’ve been so hesitant to share it but I’ve always been transparent with y’all so why stop now? Of course, I talked to my Boss Ladies in The Profitability Mentorship ProgramTM about it first and they shared some of the same feelings.

It turns out that with elevation comes perspiration and sometimes that perspiration is caused by anxiety and fear of success. So, today let’s have a candid conversation about the fear of success and why many of us fail to identify when we are on the brink of a financial, spiritual, emotional, or physical breakthrough due to anxiety and other “bad” experiences that happen before and during the breakthrough.

My Palms are Itching

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Listen, I grew up around superstitious women, and though I am not superstitious I could feel it in my spirit when the financial, spiritual, and physical blessings were about to start raining down like a downpour. Listen, I’m losing plush pounds, getting grounded like never before in God amid chaos, and tripling my income in a matter of months!

It sounds exciting and it IS! But, I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I am SHAKING IN MY BOOTS! I never thought I’d say it but success is scary at first. This is coming from someone who has always found some form of success in every single pursuit that I’ve had. So, I want to encourage you if you are on the path or at the destination stay still and focus on getting your to-do list done in every area.

Unmasking the Fear of Success: 5 Tips for Success Amidst Anxiety

Success can be scary! Learn how to identify and overcome the fear of success that might be stopping you from achieving your goals. Manage anxiety, stay focused, and embrace your breakthroughs

  1. It’s hard to focus. Your Mind races. It’s like I have three thoughts about three different areas of my life at the same time. You forget what you NEED to do so it’s best that you write it down and stick to the plan.
  2. You want to vent and just spill your insecurities out. I highly recommend you do it on paper your thoughts are already overwhelming you don’t want to add someone else’s voice to the mix.
  3. You feel really tired. Thinking expends energy. Take your butt to bed early and get up early so you can get the most important stuff done before everyone else wakes up.
  4. You have mixed emotions. I’m scared, excited, elated, and relieved right now. I’d suggest that you define your feelings and express why you are feeling this way to gain perspective on your mental and emotional state.
  5. Simple tasks seem hard and daunting to you. All of a sudden I don’t feel like doing things that I usually knock out in a matter of minutes. I am simply breaking the task up step by step and getting it done. Not doing these tasks is pure self-sabotage which is why identify all of these thoughts and feelings yet, I don’t embrace them and allow them to stifle my progress.

All in all one of the reasons why many women of color are not further along in their businesses and careers is because they allow the fear of success to debilitate them but NO MORE! Take this conversation, share your truth, leave it on paper, and run with THE TRUTH. The truth is…HONEY, YOU GOT THIS! Go on and walk into your blessings honey it’s yours for the taking!

If this blessed you comment below and I would LOVE to hear about the impact this conversation has had on your mindset.

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