Running your business, Advancement Strategy

You Don’t Need a Sob Story To Start A Business

Start A Business

I know a lot of people are struggling right now and I have a heart for them…but I won’t accept that for me or my family. I did a podcast interview earlier this week and I was asked about my story to start a business. And I finally had that gall, to tell the TRUTH!

The Truth is…

I Didn’t Start A Business Because I Was Struggling

I didn’t start my business because I was broke or had some really sad story. I started it because I wanted to contribute to the family overhead and provide luxury for my family while my husband provided necessities.

For so long, I felt bad about not having a struggle story but now as my business has developed into a marketing empire, I realize I’m here to be a beacon of light to women who are in similar situations! You may have a great job or you’re a well-kept stay-at-home mom, but you want more quality of life and more freedom of time. I’m here to help you do it SHAME FREE!

Create An Amazing Service Offer To Start a Business

Start A Business

Go ahead and create an amazing service offer using this Masterclass Replay! It’s a hit. Pretty much every one of my clients who has been wildly successful has used this Masterclass as a framework to create a new service or digital product in their business!

1. There is no shame in wanting more.

2. You don’t have to be struggling to want more for yourself and your family!

3. You can make 30k in your business working less than 5 hours a day in less than a year!

4. I can teach you how to do #3

You Can Enjoy Both Worlds

Choosing between my kids and my dreams didn’t sit well with me …why can’t I raise my kids well and have a dream business?

I’m so glad I asked myself that question because it led to me making one of the best decisions I’ve ever made and that’s to start a PROFITABLE business! For consultation schedule a complimentary roadmap session.

Remember: Don’t be ashamed of wanting more! Because you can have it!

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