Brand Audit

Any good business owner knows how important it is to have personalized and consistent branding.If your business does not achieve its goal then it needs a brand audit.

Branding is the center of your operation; it attracts clients and earns their trust and regard before they even take a single look at your offer. If your branding is dissonant throughout social media or if you’re realizing your branding doesn’t jive well with your values, it might be time to think about a brand audit.

4 Signs Your Business Need A Brand Audit

A brand audit is a general review of a business’ related content. This assessment is focused on the brand’s 3CPs:

  • Conversion
  • Cohesion
  • Consistency
  • Precision

Businesses that are having issues with one or more of these components would do well to hire a strategist to perform a holistic evaluation of their brand, just to make sure any inconsistencies or holes in the content are identified and managed.

Here are four huge red flags to look out for when it comes to your brand identity.

1. You’re Not Meeting Your Financial Goals

One of the biggest signs that your business’ brand is not working for you is that you’re not making money.

The way you present your brand is what first attracts clientele, so if you’re not converting, you’re not marketing your business right.

No matter how impressive your offer may be, your audience will not be interested in finding out more if your branding is off, and they will let you know with their wallets.
Brand Audit

2. Your Values Don’t Align With Your Marketing

For a lot of new business owners, there’s pressure to look around you at what other successful entrepreneurs are doing and try to do the same, even if what they’re doing isn’t necessarily your jam.

Believe it or not, your audience can tell when you’re not being sincere!

And worse, it will become much harder for you to truly invest yourself in loving and growing your business if it doesn’t jive with your values or beliefs.

3. Your Branding is Contradictory

If your branding reflects different ideals every time you release content, your audience will be able to pick up on the inconsistencies.

These inconsistencies will make your business seem indecisive, which will only alienate leads. You must use your branding in a way that makes you appear dependable and reliable, and you won’t be able to achieve this if your message changes day to day

.Brand Audit

4. You’re Not Communicating Efficiently

Branding isn’t just the message, it’s how you convey that message to your audience.

Choosing the right verbiage and tone when creating content is crucial in being able to communicate your exact ideas to your potential clients. This is where having a branding guide comes into place, which should have all of your business’ set rules on how to properly communicate with your audience.

Making a branding guide from scratch can be a difficult undertaking, especially for first-time business owners. If you need help creating the perfect guide for your business, Letters By Reesi can help! We offer a Brand Audit that will help you revamp the branding you currently have or use your business’ identity to create new branding that will transform leads and grow your audience.

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