Getting Clients, Advancement Strategy, Running your business

Need a New Client in The Next Week? Do this

New Client

In a perfect world, you would love to know the EXACT steps to take to get a new client so that when one contract ends another one begins. Right?

I don’t believe in one size fits all marketing strategies. You don’t either, that’s why you’re reading this.

We both know these generic strategies will burn you out and have you thinking that you’re the problem.

News flash! You’re not the problem… the problem is you need help tailoring a specific content creation, marketing, and sales strategy ANDDDDD HERE’S THE KEY: actually see it through to the end!

When You Pull From This Strategy and That Strategy and Then Wing It On The Execution It’s No Wonder You Don’t See The Results You WANT TO SEE!

New Client

I don’t teach generic marketing strategies because it’s a waste of time. I’d rather talk to you and hear about your situation, preferred pace, and your limitations.

If you HATE going LIVE don’t go LIVE. Sell another way. If you HATE sales calls you might not HAVE to do them it all depends on your business and your audience.

You want to get results as quickly as possible with the least amount of “figuring it out” moments as possible… schedule a Profitability Roadmap Session so that I can advise you on what your custom roadmap will look like!

If you’d rather keep flying solo, I’m not mad at you but don’t get mad that you can’t find the perfect yet original tip that you’re looking for…personalized advisory happens privately!

Other Tips to Help You Get a NEW Client ASAP!!

New Client

Simplify your bio… brands that are looking to hire want to know exactly what you do immediately.

Make a post once a week for the rest of the month expressing that you are open for hire and answering these questions :

1. What is your offer/service — DO NOT GET FANCY HERE

2. What state is your ideal new client in before investing in your services?

3. What transformation will your ideal client experience after investing in your services?

If you’re shy, reply to this email we can go back and forth about this like pen pals!

Chat Soon!

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