
The 5 Ways to Achieve Ground Breaking Brand Consistency

Brand Consistency

I thought long and hard in December about what I could share with you to help your business grow, one of the first ideas that came to mind was brand consistency. It is one of the few key components that separate the big dogs from the little dogs! According to Single Grain, 80% of clients say they are more likely to do business with a company if it offers personalized experiences. 

Brand Consistency…..

Creates trust in the client and business owner relationship 

There is a time and place for spontaneity but, I would be very careful with changing your brand color theory on a monthly basis. Abrupt changes can confuse your audience especially if you are not fully established.

Create a consistent client pipeline

Why did you create your business social media profile or website? Most likely it is to advertise your services or products. Right? We want to advertise so that we can get a consistent flow of consumers and followers to our brand because we know follows purchases, likes, and shares equal money. Sure I love what I do but, I could not afford to do what I love if it did not pay the bills. When you figure out what makes your target audience tick it pays off because they find a brand that they like and they become loyal to that brand. This is all part of our goal.

Brand Consistency

Increases your brand’s influence

Did you know that color recognition improves brand recognition by up to 80%? Forbes has done a great job sharing branding statistics that can make or break a business! In this case, customers who are already in love with your brand will pick your product over anyone else’s if they recognize your colors. You heard me right, same product, different price clients are more likely to choose your product simply because you stayed consistent with your brand colors. Cool right?

Reaches more people! 

This is a no-brainer. What happens to content that is consistently being shared by a considerable amount of people? It reaches even more people! If you can grab just a few people’s attention with your branding and make them a believer in your killer products and services you will reach more people because they just can’t keep it to themselves! 

Creates an ever-increasing ROI 

Small Biz Genius documents that 59% of shoppers prefer to buy new products from the brands they trust. Brand consistency not only builds trust but it also increases your revenue!

Brand Consistency

Hopefully, I have convinced you to take a look at your branding strategy and brand consistency and make sure that you are being consistent through and through. If this is new to you, it is okay I will be happy to schedule a 50% off consultation with you to give you some options on how we can work together and straighten out the kinks in your business.

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About LaRisa Wilson

La’Risa Wilson, a published author, and editor has been writing and editing for over eight years. She started Letters By Reesi, a small business that provides writing and editing services for entrepreneurs and creatives. La’Risa mostly concentrates on developing impactful digital products for coaches, consultants, and influencers. She is passionate about encouraging and teaching women how to thrive financially by turning their gifts and passions into residual income.

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